4 different ways to wear a blazer

Blazer: that must-have piece in our wardrobe!


4 different ways to wear a blazer

Blazer: that must-have piece in our wardrobe!

The blazer is a piece that came straight from the men's wardrobe, but which, over time, began to be used by women and is no longer for the exclusive use of men.
Currently, it is an indispensable piece in any woman's wardrobe, making the looks much more modern, elegant and sophisticated. Over time, it gained numerous reinterpretations, being found in different colors, prints, fabrics and cuts.

To exemplify this, let's show some ideas on how to wear the blazer in a not-so-traditional way.

1.With Jeans

The blazer, which is a super formal piece, when combined with jeans, which is a very informal and relaxed piece, together create a light, casual production and bring balance between the two styles.

2.With t-shirt

If you want a look that brings a balance between the sophisticated and the relaxed, this combination is for you! The t-shirt is a casual piece, which contrasts with the elegant look of the blazer.

3.How to dress

A trend that has been gaining strength in recent times is to wear the blazer as a dress! This is a new way to wear this piece so versatile and timeless that it turns it into something modern and contemporary.
To create this dress effect, you can use the "spare" piece with oversized models or combine it with short pieces – whether it's a dress, a blouse and skirt set, or shorts that will create the illusion that the blazer is a dress.

4. With belt

Closing the blazer using a belt is a very simple styling trick but it gives an up in any look, in addition to marking the waist bringing a very feminine and sexy look, it makes the piece gain a new look, breaking the formality it carries. .

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